Saturday, June 14, 2008

Everything old is new again

They used to represent a very limited ideal of what a woman was or did. Today's version carries a completely different connotation. Flirty. Fun. Fashionable. Somewhere along the line the focus shifted from strictly utilitarian (let's keep that marinara & kid snot off our clothes because we won't get a new dress until next year, at least) to making it a fashion accessory that served a very necessary purpose (don't want everyone to know I licked ALL the cake batter from the bowl & I want to look good while I'm doing it). I think it's the housewives of the 50's who deserve a nod from us modern girls for glamorizing household duties and mixing in some style while doing them. Thank goodness for that!!
Everyone knows that aprons have always been around. Each decade (going back to mideval times, even) has its own versions, all with distinct purpose and/or flair. I have to say though, the ones emerging since the new millennium are the most sassy, creative and unique of all. We are so lucky to have the past as a reference point. So inspiring. And with all the resources in this day and age - technology, internet, unbelievably talented fabric designers, etc. - how could anyone expect todays aprons to be anything less than drop-dead gorgeous?!
There are some things from the past that I really thought had no chance ever of making their way back around to popularity again.
Avocado green.
Harvest Gold.
Members Only jackets.
The Mullet hairstyle.
Cabbage Patch dolls...ugliest playthings created. Ever.
But somehow they have, to one degree or another. Just do a little people watching the next time you're out shopping or dining. I bet you can spot at least one style or trend from every decade since at least the 30's or so. Though most of those blasts-from-the-past that I listed had very short revivals (thank goodness!) some things remain classic, even timeless. The Amazing Apron is definitely one of those. I, for one, am crazy grateful.
The one pictured above is the 4th apron I ever made - and reversible, to boot. It has it's flaws, but I was so proud of myself for tackling a reversible apron with pockets on each side. wooohooo! The silly things that make me happy. This apron led to my first full/bib apron - and on and on and on. They're so much fun to make, wear & share.
Hopefully I can pull myself together soon, time-wise, and post a tutorial for y'all. I've never done one before so I'm studying up a bit on just how to go about it. Until then, here's a few of my favorite websites for learning more about and how to make aprons. Great tutes, patterns, advice and inspiration. Enjoy!!
Tip Nut - LOTS of free patterns here!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My first ever.... I love reading these on other people's blogs so I figured I might as well jump into the fray. I tagged myself, per the direction of MAMALICIOUS. So, here goes....

What was I doing 10 years ago?
Those were crazy days. The Main Man & I had gotten together in June of '98, were kidless and not yet married and we moved to Key West (from Gulf Shores) in August. We lived right on Duval street, a block up from Hemingway's house, in a walk up apartment & a roof covered in bougenvilla blossoms with some really crazy people for next door neighbors. They had a sweet little boy that gravitated over to our place almost every day. We felt kind of sorry for him because his mom was a little unstable and their household wasn't very comforting, you could say. We'd take him for hot dogs all the time - that kid could eat his weight in hot dogs. The mom might have been a little loco, but she was of Puerto Rican heritage and could cook some mean authentic cuisine. But we secretly wanted to adopt the boy and take him away from there. Also had a homeless woman who lived in front of the vacant building next door to ours, on the sidewalk. She was a character. Never would take our offers to use our shower or come up and share a meal with us. We'd give her food a lot and sometimes money, take her a newspaper or magazine/book & she absolutely loved orange juice....but the thing we shared the most was conversation. Then Hurricane Georges hit & we had to evacuate. The Main Man tried to help our homeless neighbor get to a shelter but she refused. No idea what became of her. We decided to move back home instead of just evacuating, as the charm of Key West was pretty worn out on us. Quite often we find ourselves thinking of both our Sidewalk Neighbor & Hot Dog Boy. I know we'll go back to visit Key West one day and maybe we'll come across someone who knows something of either of them. Ya never know.

Non-important things/habits/quirks:
My feet cannot touch while sleeping.
I don't like keeping my tootbrush with everyone's hidden away.
I used to have a business doing custom birthday and occasion cakes & still do it for my family/friends. But I don't eat the cakes I make. Every one says they're great, but its just weird to me, for some reason.
If someone near me gets sick/hurls, you can bet good money on me following suit. Every time.

Five Foods I Enjoy:
Ribeye steak fresh off the grill
Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra
Asparagus w/hollandaise sauce
Old fashioned shrimp boil w/potatoes & silver queen corn

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Pre-pay college tuition for my little Dreamers Extraordinaire. (If they decide not to go to college, let it pay the way for a kid who can't afford it.)
Build my dream home.
Travel like crazy.
Help people/families in my community

Five places I have lived:
Mobile, Alabama
Nashville, Tennessee
Atlanta/Woodstock, Georgia
Dallas, Texas
Key West, Florida
(Promise....I'm not scared of the rest of this country. But the South does rule ;P)

Five blogs I'm tagging: Well, since I'm not sure exactly how to "tag" someone....maybe I'll just copy-cat Mamalicious?? The first 5 who do it! Let me know if ya do...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My new coping mechanism

If she can do this while in labor and not miss a beat or a note....I think I can handle my mess of a house and a meltdown or two from my little Dreamer Extraordinaires.

This also might become our household lullaby.....ahhh, peaceful.

By the way - she had contractions while singing this...if you watch, you can see her belly/baby moving and notice the grimace on her face. And I thought I was all tough having natural childbirth...humpf. She is pretty amazing. Oh - also, the healthy baby boy weighed a whopping 10 lbs. LOR - DEE!!!